Morgan Acquisitions

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Private Money Investments

As you’ve probably already learned from browsing our website for a little bit, our company is a real estate investment firm that specializes in finding great deals in today’s market that we structure to be highly profitable from the start.

We’ve built our reputation on being among the best in our market at finding the hard to find deals, closing on those deals quickly with cash… often times from our investors, and either holding onto those properties for cash-flow or selling them quickly for a profit.

Become A Partner

At Morgan Acquisitions we use our investors to expedite our ability to purchase properties. We provide potential investors who are not satisfied with the current low rates they are getting from their chosen portfolio to invest their money with us at an annual rates ranging from 12-15% simple interest using trust deeds.

Trust Deed Investing is a tried and true formula for safe and profitable income generation, though most people have not had the opportunity to learn about this form of investment. We encourage you to learn more through the resources we have available on this website: here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we receive.

If you’re interested in learning more about working with us as an investor in our projects to add to your portfolio, fill out our Investor Application Form so we can know a bit about you, your goals, and your investment style. We only work with people who have the financial capacity to move quickly projects with us and who fully understand the risks and rewards inherent in investing in real estate.

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